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Black Friday Sale!

For the next two days we’re having a Black Friday sale! 10% off on everything in the RM Store for those who subscribed to the RM Newsletter. Shhhh! Don’t tell anyone else. 😉 Spend $30 or more for 10% discount on your WHOLE cart. Coupon Code: blackfriday2022-10 Thanks to everyone for their past support and […]

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New Store Items – Unified Retro Keyboard for Apple II and Replica 1 and Understanding the Apple II by Jim Sather

We’re glad to announce two new items in the ReActiveMicro Store: Unified Retro Keyboard for Apple II and Replica 1 Understanding the Apple II by Jim Sather This is the Unified Retro Keyboard for Apple II and Replica 1 is designed by Dave from It’s a 2-in-1 replacement keyboard for the Apple II and II […]

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