Applesauce Now Offered For Sale!

It’s official – Applesauce is now being offered for sale.

For those looking to learn about Applesauce.

In short – it’s a preservation solution which allows raw flux images to be captured from floppy disks – protected and unprotected alike. It runs off platform via USB.

It captures all floppy magnetic flux data which is a perfect preservation solution unlike cracking or other modification solutions. The original disk’s contents are preserved 100% and unmodified. The protection schemes are left in place and working.

From raw images users can make .WOZ formatted files which are smaller, timing and bit correct images that can be run in emulators. Unlike other image formats one of the biggest advantage of .WOZ is the ability to produce “random bits” (correct emulation of the MC3470) which many of the Apple II protections depended on.

And as always, be sure to check out our Wiki for more information on projects or for support. And be sure to subscribe to our news feed to be the first to know about our next release!

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