Author Archive | Henry of ReActiveMicro


New Stock: Universal PSU Kit for the II, II+, IIe, IIgs, and ///

The Universal PSU Kit is now back in stock! It’s the perfect solution to protect your Apple from downtime and possible costly repairs due to Power Supply failures by replacing your old PSU with our solution. It’s a very simple to install Kit that replaces your exiting PSU PCB and reuses your existing metal […]

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New Stock And New Price: Universal PSU Kit for the II, II+, IIe, IIgs, and ///

The Universal PSU Kit is now back in stock – just in time for the Holidays! It’s the perfect solution to protect your Apple from downtime and possible costly repairs due to Power Supply failures by replacing your old PSU with our solution. It’s a very simple to install Kit that replaces your exiting […]

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